Marching on

One by one by one we are falling. Family, friends, acquaintances, classmates, colleagues, we are vanishing into the dust again and the years are marching on. Our generation is passing, fading into the dusty corridors of history as the world goes marching on.

Written in Stone

Our lives are written in stone when we pass. We will never do another thing in this material world and nothing further can be changed. Then as winters come and go and years pass the symbols begin to fade. They weather away and dissipate until at long last nothing but the ghost of our memory remains and the world rushes on in the distant future unaware we ever were.

Random Thoughts

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Why am I thinking about the lives of people who have been lying in the ground for more than 20 years? It’s because they are who lived before me in this house… this old farmhouse standing watch. For 150 years it has stood over this ancient valley alongside the Raquette River in far upstate New York State with now busy State Highway 56 passing by a hundred feet away.

Monday, October 19, 2015

It is 2015. The world rushes by and time and entropy have finally taken us to this point. The buildings and property require attention and require it now. Thus it is I find myself living here for 3 to 4 weeks at a time. I am a carpenter. I am needed here.IMG_6448

I am one of the owners. There are three of us.