To me a candidate’s stance on the Second Amendment is very important. No, it’s not because I’m a gun nut who loves guns more than children, I don’t even own a gun. Rather, it’s because the Second Amendment is fundamental to the ideas upon which this nation was founded however imperfectly or belatedly they were applied. The idea of limited government and individual liberty is taken so seriously that the ultimate deterrent against government tyranny is written explicitly into the nations founding documents as the Second Amendment. The idea of government regulation and permitting of firearms transforms that right into a privilege granted by government and renders the Second Amendment worthless, defanged by the same institution it was designed to keep in ultimate check. Hence my interest in a candidate’s stand on guns.
Category: Random Thoughts
Marching on
One by one by one we are falling. Family, friends, acquaintances, classmates, colleagues, we are vanishing into the dust again and the years are marching on. Our generation is passing, fading into the dusty corridors of history as the world goes marching on.
The world is made of imagination become unimaginably real.
Physics of the afterlife
If our ego survives death then the information associated with it must as well. If information has mass then in a possible afterlife we have mass. If all so then we warp geometry after our death.
Genetic patterns sweep and change through the world scape of time like the unseen hand of God shaping life to best fit its environment.
After long thought I have concluded, magic. The world is made of magic. We are made of magic. The things we make are magic made of magic. Magic.
Fire. Without fire, we are reduced to the level of the beasts. Humanity was forged in fire.
On dogs
We give dogs a higher purpose for being and they joyfully rise to the occasion.
fusion reactor
if we could create a lab scale black hole we might be able to use it as a collapsing force to sustain a nuclear reaction. It would have the additional benefit of conveniently disposing of its radioactive waste beyond the event horizon at its core.
Solstice. It’s only going to get better from here on in as the sun begins to rise a little more with each passing day. Then in March the days will reach their maximum rate of change and slow again towards the summer solstice as the ancient solar cycle travels sinusoidally on and on and on.