When the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen it fails pretty quickly. And then what? Then the universe ends. That’s how the universe will end.
Tag: Death
Salute to the White Wolf
Birth and dying are of infinite significance
Physics of the afterlife
If our ego survives death then the information associated with it must as well. If information has mass then in a possible afterlife we have mass. If all so then we warp geometry after our death.
Written in Stone
Our lives are written in stone when we pass. We will never do another thing in this material world and nothing further can be changed. Then as winters come and go and years pass the symbols begin to fade. They weather away and dissipate until at long last nothing but the ghost of our memory remains and the world rushes on in the distant future unaware we ever were.
Ribs on a hillside
Ribs on a hillside. You’re now just bleached ribs on a hillside slowly sinking into the soil. The rest of you has been recycled, by vultures, by micro organisms, by sun and wind and rain and time. You were once a deer bounding across the meadows running free in the morning breeze. Then one horrible night as you leaped in alarm to cross the highway before the approach of the blinding light there was a flash and tremendous bang and you were dead. I saw your remains on the side of the road being torn slowly apart by coyotes in the night and vultures in the day. I saw them strew your remains across the landscape dragged this way and that until all that remained was ribs on a hillside. The ancient cycle grinds inexorably on.