We are at a unique point in human history on this planet. It is the collision of cultures. Not just the increasing interaction of cultures, but the head-on collision of cultures where everything breaks into a million billion smithereens. The instant worldwide interaction and communication of the internet has brought us to this singularity. The irresistible force has met the unmovable object. Marilyn Vos Savant once answered a question about what happens when an irresistible force meets an unmovable object. She responded “I think something new is created.” I like that.i
Author: WarpedChild
I guess
When the brain doesn’t get enough oxygen it fails pretty quickly. And then what? Then the universe ends. That’s how the universe will end.
For any given 24 hour period the chances of you looking at your digital clock and seeing 11:11 is one in 720. So, if you glance at your clock a hundred times per day your chances are pretty good of seeing that number in a weeks time (or any other random time you pick, such as 4:20 or 3:14 etc.)
I have concluded that the universe is embedded with intelligence, even the laws of randomness from which we spring out of nothingness. Even they are imbued with an overriding intelligence.
Art, whether it’s a picture you are painting, a song you are writing, a machine you are building, a dance you are perfecting or anything else is always a lot of work for usually little compensation.
Who is God
If we are the result of quantum fields inexorably fluctuating out of nothing then those quantum fields are God.
the Schumann Resonance
I bet it’s the source of “the hum”. Maybe UFOs are the field quanta of the Schumann Resonance.
Election 2024
I think what this election has shown me is that while the pen may be mightier than the sword, it too has limits.
Government and the law
The government is not the law. The government must follow the law. We the people make the law.
If only our dreams
Everett’s so called Many Worlds theory is almost like religious consolation. It admits at least that somewhere in some parallel world we happily live all of our dreams. That little bit of consolation is at least better than nothing.