Reflections on a Sunday morning walk

Numerically today is  the one year anniversary since my lifelong acquaintance John died. However, since it was a leap year it’s more accurately about a year since the earth has been in the same place in space relative to the sun, so it was sometime between yesterday and today. That is especially significant to me because I knew him longer than pretty much everybody on earth. We bonded in Mrs. Babcock’s second grade class during a socialization period where we were telling tall tales about sliding our sleds down the hills and all sorts of made up adventures while doing so. We laughed and we laughed. 

We weren’t close but we were comfortable in one another’s presence for our entire lives. We did have interactions over the years and you could say he was a lifelong friend of sorts. I reflect on these things because I think a lot about death I think a lot about life and what it’s about. I think a lot about this world and what the significance of all of this. I think a lot about the ontology of it and about God and about naturalistic explanations and understanding and comprehension of it  I think about all of these things and I have for all of my life. I wish I could understand before I die. Every little piece of the puzzle I put together makes my understanding a little more complete but it’s never done. It’s never finished.

Anyway it’s appropriate that it is a Sunday and I’m walking over to the pond even though I realize, now that I’ve started down the road, that  I can’t get through the path by the bridge because there will be a puddle of water there and all I have is my sneakers. I could get my feet wet but, I don’t want to do that so I’ll just walk down to the pond, to reflect for a bit, then turn and retrace my steps back to Union Road. It’ll be my Sunday morning commune with God. Then I shall walk back home.